
Today was a rather depressing day, like most of my days have been lately due to lack of motivation and just general depressing, the normal stuff (for me). Mostly I just read, not schoolrelated though but I got away with it just fine, and if anyone asks, it's for English. I wish I knew why my mood suddenly dropped, or more correct, I became unmotivated. After all, depressed isn't something you are for just one day. But I'm good at pretending, but how fun is it to have to always remember to pretend to be in a normal mood? But it's better than having my friends ask me what's wrong or, more likely, them telling me to stop being in that mood (since I'm depressing them). And I can't really tell them the problem, after all, if you are having problems with your relationship with someone you don't tell that someone that you're having problems in your relationship, that's like preaching to run from the Sovjet Union when there's nowhere to run.

So all in all, weekwise it's been same old, same old, yearwise, not so much, and daily? Depressing, like always.

...I hate the word always.

Roses are red...

... Violets are blue. A new start is what I'll do.

First of all, this blogg, despite being from a swedish site, is going to be in English. And secondly it's pretty much a private experiment so while I don't mind other people, strangers, reading this I never intended for it to be read by my friends or family, or anyone who knows me in real life period. So I don't really write to anyone in particular, it's more an experiment to try out blogging for a second time and not mess up this time, and who knows? Maybe lifting my heart will be good, I do at least know it's better than laying on my bed thinking depressing thoughts. So instead you'll get the priviledge to hear me discuss these thoughts, and more.

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